Photo #1: Becky with an R2D2 mailbox in Santa Fe. This was the coolest thing we saw downtown. Sad? Or Awesome? You decide.
Photo #2: Beck and Meg on the last ladder down from the Pueblo condo many feet in the sky. It's nice having a third person around to take our picture. (Thanks, Timmy)
Photo #4: I can't believe how close the cows were to the cars/humans. This black one must be Flick. It looks like the type of cow who would dot its eyes with a heart.
Photo #5: Here is EJ, depicted as a large beach ball here, off-roading.
Photo #6: Tinkertown. Best $3 of our visit. It was a museum of these little figurines set up in elaborate scenes. Pictured below is the circus.
Photo #7: They also had a glass case of wedding cake toppers. The sign said "Wedding figures collected from nearly every state-1840s to 1980s-Remember, as you look, why you fell in love." I looked for one of mom and dad but none of the grooms had plaid suits on...
Photo #8: The museum walls were made of bottles.
Photo #9: I guess they are trying to make the walls more current...Corona!
Photo #10: Outside of the museum was this Art Car. Looks like Dad's Wrangler needs some glass eyes. Mom, don't you have a set upstairs?
Photo #11: A close-up of the penny decorations on the Art Car.
Photo #12: For a quarter, I could find the perfect career for me. Doctor? Really??? I really was hoping for Love Pirate.
Dr. Meg
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