Friday, June 3, 2011

Some Rodeo Photo-ing

I have been looking forward to going to a rodeo since my last rodeo outing. I love them, I don't know if it is the atmosphere, the animals, the beer, or the incredibly attractive cowboys. (Actually I lied I do's the cowboys but the other stuff doesn't hurt) but something about it makes life perfect.

Meg and I saw a drunk old lady being helped up the stairs by a friend. It's good to know that taking care of drunken friends never goes out of fashion. Since we are getting up at 6 tomorrow and have a long Drive to New Mexico we stuck to one can of beer each.

Time for bed, I'm super stoked to visit my brother Tim in New Mexico tomorrow and Sunday I haven't seen him in 10 months.

Happy Trails,

1 comment:

nancy said...

Is it me or is that first (top) photo of an animal being flown like a kite? Great shot!